The Future of Hospitality: Reopening and Reactivating Safely

Online Webinar Institute of Hospitality

Following the launch of DWF Law’s whitepaper ‘The future of the hospitality customer journey’, found here we are now holding a webinar in January to review any new opportunities or […]

Free – $10

Brexit Implications for Employers

Online Webinar Institute of Hospitality

This webinar will provide business owners, General Managers and HR Managers with an understanding of the impact of Brexit on the workforce and the new immigration system – EU nationals […]

Free – $10

Hands, Face and Space; But What about the Air we Breathe?

Online Webinar Institute of Hospitality

2020 was a year rocked by COVID-19. Lockdowns, restrictions and concerns about catching coronavirus have had a real impact on how many people are visiting the places they would unquestionably […]

Free – $10

How to Re-Engage Your Teams After Furlough

IoH sussex online

A lot can happen in four months or more. If you’re preparing to reopen, and your team are on furlough or working from home, when it’s time to come back […]

How Inclusive is Your Business?

Online Webinar Institute of Hospitality

In this webinar we hear from Lorraine Copes, founder of Be Inclusive Hospitality and how the absence of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people within positions of influence, or seniority […]

Free – $10

Spotlight on Sector Support

IoH sussex online

Our Sussex branch have spent the past year throughout the pandemic supporting and inspiring our Hospitality family and as we approach the reopening date for the sector, which after a […]

Driving Loyalty and Preference Through Service

Online Webinar Institute of Hospitality

Learn how to use service to elevate your customer experience to improve loyalty and performance through delivering the basics consistently and then designing a few service moments that matter.

Free – $10

Keep the Faith in Hospitality – Student Forum

An exciting online Passion 4 Hospitality event for students, arranged by the Institute of Hospitality. The 90 minute webinar will discuss and review the merits and rewards of the global […]