HSMAI Total Revenue Forecasting Masterclass

Sands Expo & Exhibition Center Singapore 10 Bayfront Avenue, SIngapore, Singapore

Singapore In-person Masterclass or Watch the Recording Date:10th June 2022 Time: 9:20am – 10:20am Total Revenue Forecasting (TRF) is under discussion nowadays, as many businesses realize the opportunities and the revenue potential of Total Revenue Forecasting.   TRF is often the first step towards implementing “Total Revenue Management” so get started with this masterclass by Associate Professor, Dr. […]


HSMAI Using Content to Maximise Sales Masterclass

Sands Expo & Exhibition Center Singapore 10 Bayfront Avenue, SIngapore, Singapore

Singapore In-person Masterclass or Watch the Recording Date:10th June 2022 Time: 10:50am – 11:45am This course will cover the topics of content and rich media specifically for the hotel marketers and distribution people. Content matters. It represents one of your hotel’s key “salespeople,” available to guests whenever and wherever they are along their purchase path. […]


HSMAI Building your Business Acumen Masterclass

Sands Expo & Exhibition Center Singapore 10 Bayfront Avenue, SIngapore, Singapore

Singapore In-person Masterclass or Watch the Recording Date:10th June 2022 Time: 9:20am – 10:20am What will you learn: Where is data available (it’s easier than you think) How to read, and gain insights from data and reports How to present data in a visual way to make it easy to understand for your audience What […]


The Brave new world of Hotel Distribution – Indonesia


The Brave new world of Hotel Distribution Indonesia Virtual Webinar – FREE 19th July, 2022 12pm – 1pm Jakarta Time Agenda: Welcome and HSMAI update Destination Insights : Looking at […]


The Metaverse Explained

ROC@Work Webinar Series

What is it? How does it work? What are the implications for the hospitality industry? What are the benefits for the hospitality industry NFT’s Dr Detlev Remy, Associate Professor, Singapore […]
