Join leading professionals from the hospitality industry in this live webinar on 21 January 2021, hosted by the IoH Cymru Branch. Speakers including Stephen Broome FIH, PwC Lead Consultant and Peter Ducker FIH, Chief Executive of the Institute of Hospitality will be among the panellists sharing their insights and reflecting on what we can expect looking forward with latest research. They bring many years’ experience in both the hands-on management and advisory consulting aspects of the hospitality sector with a strong focus in UK and Europe.
Take advantage of the combined knowledge of our speakers to ask those burning questions you have about looking forward in the Hospitality industry.
More speakers will be announced in the new year.
This event is free to attend for both members and non-members, but please register your place. The meeting link will be emailed to you 24 hours before the event. If you have any questions about the event please contact Ifty Hassan MIH, IoH Cymru Branch Chair –